موضوع: میکانیک سیالات
نام : The Properties of Gases and Liquids Fifth Edition
نویسنده: Poling - Prausnitz - OConnell
ناشر: McGraw Hill
سال انتشار : 2004
10 تذکره ارتعاشات مکانیکی شامل:
Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems C. F. Beards
Engineers’ Guide to Rotating Equipment Clifford Matthews
Mechanical Vibration S.Graham Kelly
Structural Vibration - Analysis and Damping C. E Beards
Vibration Damping Control and Design W. de Silva
Vibration Fundamentals R. Kreith Mobley
Vibration Fundamentals and Practice W.de Silva
Vibration Problems in Engineering S.Timoshenko
Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS Muya
Vibraton in Machine Tools Book
آلبوم 6 کتاب مرجع استاتیک برای مهندسان شامل:
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